Difficoltà : facile Tempo di preparazione: 30 minuti Ingredienti per: 4 persone
Ingredienti: 500 g di interiora di agnello 5 cipollotti piuttosto grandi 1 spicchio d’aglio olio d’oliva 1 rametto di rosmarino 1 foglia di alloro vino bianco per sfumare sale e pepe prezzemolo fresco tritato 200 gr di peperoni in agrodolce
Preparazione: Affettate sottilmente i cipollotti e fateli appassire a fiamma bassa in una padella insieme all’olio, l’aglio tritato, il rosmarino e l’alloro. Aggiungete le frattaglie, ben lavate e spurgate del loro sangue, asciugate e tagliate in piccoli cubettini. Rosolate il tutto a fiamma vivace e quando le frattaglie risultano croccanti, sfumate con il vino bianco, fate evaporare e a dieci minuti dal termine della cottura aggiungete i peperoni in agrodolce. Salate, pepate e prima di servire, aggiungete una spolverata di prezzemolo fresco!
Accommodations are reserved within the farmhouse with beds for guests. They are spacious and equipped with all amenities. They are located on the first floor. They have a spacious outdoor veranda with a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside and mountains.
All accommodations are constructed of wood and are 100% earthquake-proof. Some chalets have air conditioning.
Guests can choose from:
overnight only
half board
full board
overnight stay and breakfast.
Our farmhouse in abruzzo is a great B&B in nature
The accommodations are self-contained (Water, heating). The entrance is also autonomous. Excellent logistics such as agritourism Ovindoli, agritourism Campo Felice, agritourism Tagliacozzo.
Agriturismo il Timo is surrounded by greenery. It has a beautiful garden with fine furniture , hammocks, a very large vegetable garden and fruit plants.
There is a nursery, children's play area, and a picturesque Pool with mountain view surrounded by greenery. We serve aperitifs and dinner drinks by the pool.
There are animals on our farm that can be visited by children.
We are one of the few farmhouses in Abruzzo with a swimming pool located in the mountains.
The Farmhouse is surrounded by greenery in superb nature protected within walking distance of a continuity of PARKS.
Abruzzo National Park
Gran Sasso National Park
Maiella National Park
Laga Mountains Park
It is located within the Mount Velino Oriented Nature Reserve. It is a protected natural area of the Abruzzo Region established in 1987. It occupies an area of 3,550.00 ha on Mount Velino, in the territories of Magliano de' Marsi and Massa d'Albe. Close to the ski slopes.